Cool Beans

Monday, January 31, 2011

Pah homework! I spit on you inferiority!

CRAPOLLAAA of a day.

First class was Maths: I was on time but the math teacher's watch was wrong. It went down alittle like this:
ME: no i'm not, your clocks wrong!
ATILATHEHUN: I'm not wrong, i'm right! It's the rest of the world that's wrong!!!
ME: OH well.. SORRY. (gets 5c out of my bag) Take this 5c, go down town, and get a rat to gnaw that thing off your face!! Good day to you Madame.

What actually happened:

ME: ah. um...i think your clocks,, uh,,wrong....
ME: ah, sorry.
ATILATHEHUN: Its not me you should be sorry to, it's your parents when i tell them on parent teacher.

In drama today we had to pick a celebrity and i picked Audrey Hepburn. The vague face's showed me that i am quite possibly a freak of nature.

Now as much as i'd like to talk to my theranet (that's internet theripast) we have important things to discuss. Like this:
And these:
 Rodarate. I no! I just remembered they have Rodarte tutu's in the black swan. SIGH.


and another thing

I have come to the realisation that the video i spent (i meant wasted) my weekend on is ACCESSED DENIED. so that whole post before was just random mumblings from a crazy person. OH WAIT its always random mumblings... Annnyway. To save yourself from disappointment here is a equally as arduous video i made a while ago

Today reading my favourite magizine of all time  i found yesterday was The National Day of Inane Answering Machine Messages. Our phone does not have an answering machine (i am a very deprived child and all) so i will suffice for inane emails. ( Let's get some boring into our interesting lives!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

DIY. it's too late at night to think of a better title

i did this today due to a case of severe boredom, i think i may have been even crazy at that point. Did you know that a 3 minute video takes 5 hours to make/edit? i did not know this before i started. do not expect any more video's from me anytime soon. i'm still recovery from the trauma. I'm sorry about the end part, when i saw instant replay in editing i couldn't stop myself. heeeelllloooo. ahahaha. Video replay is the height of comedy! I have still not seen The Black Swan since this morning. Whenever i see another bloggers post about how fabulous/amazing/rad/epic/other synonym i die alittle inside. do not taunt me with reviews please. until i see it i will be a rock, i will be an iiiilllaanndd, cutting myself off from my favourite bloggers in order to not risk another review of how much i'm missing out. *sniffle* I AM IN A GLASS CAGE OF EMOTION. Today, once again, overcome with boredom and misery, i made a list of my favourite combacks. YES. I was that bored. and YES. that is why i'm plagiarising so much in this post.

So here it goes:

    • Stick your drink up your arse, Tania.I’d rather swallow razor blades than drink with you. Oh, by the way, I’m not alone. I’m with Muriel. -MURIAL’S WEDDING
    • Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn. -UNCLE BUCK
    • Take this quarter, go downtown, and have a rat gnaw that thing of your face! Good day to you, madam. -GONE WITH THE WIND
    • I’m gonna punch you in the ovary. That what i’m gonna do. A straight shot. Right to the baby maker - ANCHORMAN.
    • If all else fails. YOUR MOMMA!
By this list i guess i seem like a really angry kid. But i'm not. I'M NOT. AHHHH. GETTING ANGRYYYYYY (rips off shirt)

ahh. i really should stop doing that...
Plagiarising i mean.

Friday, January 28, 2011

i think your cool beans

Little Bandits, you stole my heart

I have been lusting over this collection for quite some time.. And now it's finally here!! I love how there's this 1940's elegance of the collection along with a high-waisted sort of 60's theme. The colour's like the shorts in the piece above excentuate this elegance. I also love the velvet and lace (something that before now, i thought should never go together). Lately i'm really into wearing these material hair ties with my hair in the same style as the first pictur . My hair's around the same length as the model, and with a fringe it's really fun to wear (though sometimes i feel like a bit of a nanny). I feel i'm in the dark about The Black Swan. I hear all my favourite bloggers raving about the rodarte tutu's and a surge of jealousy bubbles inside. Hopefully i'll see it soon, but it seems for now there is not enough hours in the day. Just Saturday and Sunday is not enough! I miss you holidays! Annyway back to the collection. You can find it here and follow the links to the Stockist OR if you are awesome and live in brisbane it's available at my favourite shop of all time here

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

mood lighting + extreme boredom

and this is what you get...

ahh it looks like i'm eating my hair.
 I love the way my shadow is sorta distorted in this one.


I also did another photo shoot but you will have to wait for it. (in other words i am lazy) There are some clothes i bought last holidays, i would do an outfit but again, i'm too lazy. I promise i will do one soon! It's funny
I know it's such a strange post for Australia Day but i was in the mood listening to where is my mind and Tavi's witch music.

On a brighter note :

My First Crush from Julia Pott on Vimeo.

Annyway hope you have a good Australia Day!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

the scoop on everything sweet

Hi all! My friend Maddy has started a new blog called the sweetest scoop. It's about baking and is incredibly sweet indeed. So check it out!

i am writing to you from the future. it is good.

Today i got my mac laptop (it's part of this programme at school where all the year nines and tens get laptops.) Jealous? oh yeahhh. it was also the first day of school. oh. um. YEAH, WELL.... it got me into the kinda mood where you dance around doing the robot and talking in a monotone voice. In a way i kinda feel like I'm giving into some new cult of materialistic nerds -who only care about their wow score (world of war craft. I'm kinda scared that i know that) This new technology kinda freaks me out cause i don't want everyone to turn into mindless slobs who spend their lives writing blogs which no-one reads. (hey! that sounds like some one i know!)  I don't have TV reception where i live (and i don't want it anyway...) but when i tell people, after they ask me if i think Johnie or Patricia should have won biggest loser it comes as complete shock. Normally the questions that follow are "but, like, what do you do???" or "wow! i didn't know you were that poor..." People say that they feel sorry for me, the outcast that doesn't know who the latest Australian idol is it. But it's not me they should feel sorry for. Spending their nights watching TV they don't really want to watch but there's nothing else on, soo... It's the same with apple. I didn't have an ipod (i do now) and the shock was quite funny to see. So now i have a mac i somehow feel disappointed. Is that just crazy? Should i feel more grateful? Because i definitely do. But i just feel guilty i guess.. It's meant to help us you know SO MUCH with our school work, but what about the 3rd world countries with kids who don't even have pencil's and paper to write with. Wouldn't it help them SO MUCH MORE? So here i am. Totally hypocritically writing how materialistic and narrow minded people are, typing away on my macbook.  I DUNNO!!! Ah..

Sunday, January 23, 2011

i have an itchy caterpiller on my forehead but oh well

 Today overcome with boredom cut my hair (don't worry i put it up..i didn't cut it ALL off). With the first day of school tomorrow i guess it probably wasn't a good idea. I rarely have them anyway... It sorta feels like a hairy Caterpillar on my forehead but i like it. And i will also like mum's expression when she gets home. ahaha.
and some headbangin for your enjoyment...


oooooOOoo0O. Mysterious. I'm currently working on my own zine and it'll be available to buy. SO, here's the dealio. Just pay to my Pay pal account and it'll come up with a link for you to print it off. I might be doing a sorta monthly ziney-thing. (wow Bella. you really do need to go back to school) so if you'd like to subscribe just email me with your name and email. OR if you want a handmade one include your postal address.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

i looked at my page and found that it is a boring white similiar to that of a boring person. *GASP*

My summer so far.
Bobbie on repeat
                                         OH mr. DARCY! Pride and the Prejedice
Yeah. i wore these. In my dreams....

Blowing bubbles at Woodfood. What's that? My face looks like a contispated wombat? yeah. I KNOW.
 And some general wondering. I also played balderdash and found out the official word for that but then i forgot it. STORY OF MY LIFE.

100 days of sky

Starting today will a project I'm doing called 100 days of sky. Each day i will be taking ( you guessed it) a picture of the sky. If you, join and start snapping. It can be what ever you want, every maccas you see, your favourite thing from that day, ANYTHING YOU WANT. I'll show my progress along the way.

Friday, January 21, 2011


It's back. Again. Why is it so persistent? Can't it just give up and teach someone else adjectives (words to describe things. See school? I do know things!)The sunny days of holidays are now darkened by the shadow of algebra. My euphoria has been blanketed and Simon and garfunkle on repeat has stopped. Goodbye hapinness, hello lonliness. I think I'm gonna cry. Bye bye love.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

honey, i'm home.

Hello! i KNOW. WHERE HAVE I BEEN! This week as you (may) know, there was crazy) crazy. CRAZY floods in queensland,and we got completely flooded out (the great flood x10P)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. Demille

 I die a little inside every time i see these shoes and come to the realization that at my current flow of income, i will never get to have their Vivienne Westwood goodness snuggly on my feet. SIGH. I can still look at them. And dream about them. And breathe on them in the shop windows. 

                                                        OK Bella, you're obsessed.

Those could be my hands, cradling them in my arms.
oh goshh.

I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. Demille

If you have more than cotton fluff at the bottom of your purse you can get them at Violent Green. Oh, and, pick me up a pair too, won't you?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

i'm too lazy to think of a good title soo....


Credit to Tavi

Coronlina Pantolino Fall 2008           Zac Posen Fall 2008

Rodarte Fall 2008                         Valentino 


Monday, January 3, 2011

I think the postman intercepts everything i try to send to you, cause he's infatuated, and he's the fulcrum between us two .

and i can't say i blame him, cause i'd cheat a priest just to get to you

Look what FINALLY came in the post!


   Kamera, ich liebe dich!
 It also came with a Diana book. DOUBLE EEEE



I'll show you pictures of my zine when it's finished.
p.s the the title is a quote from The Wombats