Cool Beans

Saturday, February 19, 2011

it's finally here!

 These are just a few pages, theres 12 all up of ziney-goodness. If you want a copy all you have to do is comment below, or email me @, it's free! If you want a fancy handmade copy with ribbons and pretty pictures than just include your address as well. This issue is called I'll do what i want, and is all about self justice, good comebacks, rants, oh and pretty pictures of course! It was written entirely by me, some of the pictures were from other people, who i credit at the back. Next issue i'd like to collaborate with other bloggers (this could be you!). It's all about getting idea's out there, so if you can draw, write or have a story you want to tell please email me! So why are you still reading? Start printing!

Friday, February 18, 2011

holey moley! i haven't posted since monday.

Inspiration post.  Things I'm interested in, looking at, and sighing about because i have no money.

I'm getting my first Diana film published soon so let's hope it's not just blurred pictures of my finger, or black because i forgot to take the lens cap off.

Frankie goodness came in the mail yesterday after a long and tiring and bad day at school. I was just about to die when i saw it on the kitchen table. When friends do not, frankie always will. (i'm not sure what that means but, hey! it sounds deep and meaningful...)

credits: onitsuka tiger shoes,rando, diana F+, karen walker clutch in yellow. frankie danke, belle from fashion pirates, twenty seven names, Sonny and the Sunsets "Too Young to Burn", yay road trip!, allforeveryone, maccaroons from Fashion Pirates.

extra long post. It's been a very eventful week, hahah i lie. I've finished my zine though!! Huzzah, hip hip hiporayyyy. So here's want you can do. Since this is such a long post and i do not want to overload your minds with awesomeness, (i've seen it done before) i'll do a post VERY soon about it, i promise,. It will have pictures, too. It's freeee so if you want a copy all you have to do is email me at or just comment below and i'll send you back one. If you a fancy hand made copy just include your adress too. (but you'll have to pay for postal, sorry!)

Monday, February 14, 2011

oh ye ol' neglected blog... i shant speak like this no more

a day of naplan practise. I am going to the shop to buy some fruit; oranges, pears, and apples. It's  going to be a blast.Valentines day today and much to my disapointment mum did not let me have ice cream for dinner. Though i'm not that mopey (don't ask me how to spell that, darn naplan) because i got 3 rose's.
(cue ooohlala)
though did come across these lovely cheesy things from kingdom of style

Hey now! Don't brush me off!! ahahahaHAHAA oh swell indeed.

At my school we have a thing where if you put in money you can get someone a rose. I dunno though... i just find rose's so inpersonal and cliche'd how about a e-card instead?

awwww a tad creepy but awwww. And they don't wilt after a while (just like your relationship, sob sob)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

but you already were!

another pointless post! ooo goody you say!
1. I found out i have a twin that's better than me in everything.
2. rice is cool
3. there is no three

i found out i have a twin that's better than me in everything
Her name is Bella and she has a (way awsomerrr) blog called Plastic Barrettes I'd like to mention at this point in time that she has more followers than me and she has been writing her blog for not as long as me, she has interviewed other AWESOME bloggers including the one and only TAVI, she is probably way more good looking the me. 

I am terminally depressed.

Let's take a look at her ABOUT ME column shall we? See if we can "spot the difference"


My Photo
My name is Bella. I am thirteen years old. I like drawing, writing, making collages, and Hole. I also enjoy Hitchcock movies and anything directly related to Audrey Hepburn.
if her last name was mcnamee i will probably combust. 
rice is cool
i saw this in the shops on holidays and sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo0o0o0o0o0o0oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
wish i bought it. 
1. it is in my favourite shape
2. wow.
3. it
4. is
5. so
5. coooool
6. it does not need a no.1 six (IT IS THAT COOL)
ok.. enough ranting... INTRODUCING THE 

rice cube

let's make rice cool.

oo lala

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

today i came to the realisation that i don't do anything with my life

soo.. kinda late but new years resolution!

1. stop doing homework
2. start having a life

ohhkayy. i probably want to see this video so much i might  combust any minute.
where do i found this cinematic gold? I have looked upon bounitiful yonders of stars and to my disapointment there was nothing but she's the man and mean girls....

sudden thought!

MEAN GIRLS 2. It's like they're turned one of the greatest movies of all time (slightest exaggeration there, but whatever) into a disney movie, shock horror..

also on the subject of bad movies:
justin bieber:


i am inspirak.

that is at a lack of inspiration for all those not familiar with crazy girl jargon. School is, like, soooo totally boring. and rank.
Today in MUSIC:

Maringo*: How many instrument to we need?
Me: er.. 5?
Maringo: Ohmigosh that's soo rank.
Apperently maringo thought that everything was rank. At this point in time i am tending to agree with her.
* her name isn't actually maringo (dissappointing, i know)

i will not bore you with anymore school stories so you may wipe your brow and say PHEW. ohkkkay.  Now. valentines day. the tragic even which most of the population regard a d-dary. Unless you are one of THESE people.
Overall consensous: boys suck. you will get cooties and die.

Love Calculator results

These are the results of the calculations by Dr. Love:

mona mcnameelovesbella
91 %

Dr. Love thinks that a relationship between mona mcnamee and bella has a very good chance of being successful, but this doesn't mean that you don't have to work on the relationship. Remember that every relationship needs spending time together, talking with each other etc.

Mona is my cat, by the way...

Love Calculator results

These are the results of the calculations by Dr. Love:

bellalovesblog followers
74 %

Dr. Love thinks that a relationship between bella and blog followers has a reasonable chance of working out, but on the other hand, it might not. Your relationship may suffer good and bad times. If things might not be working out as you would like them to, do not hesitate to talk about it with the person involved. Spend time together, talk with each other.

classic lines:

it's not you it's me!
We need to see another people
i'm not good enough for you
i don't think gonna work out

classic pick-me-up lines:
you are too good for him!
He's a giant douche monkey
you can do better

and remember, this valentines...



Tuesday, February 1, 2011

i think your pwretty

I saw these at style bubble and
These are beautiful/charming/cheerful/rad/quitesomething/boss/dreamboat/pulchritudinous (okay i got that last one off

i love this high heel sock look, its like you can still look like a nerd in high heels (yay!) 

At my school we're not allowed
hair colours that aren't "natural". These are natural, right? I mean brown hair is fun and all.. But if i was born with hair like this i think i would be happy forever. FOREVER.
Not much writing this post but i have already done another one today, you greedy things!