opened a flickr account (clickyclickclickclick)
found some nolstagic photos
got new glasses
cut my hair. again. (when will i learn?)
First off nolsgtacic pretty pictures of my mum in england. These were taken on what is now my Nikon camera. I love the dreamy photo's it takes, somehow making everything look like a pastel heaven.
Got new glasses.
me being a prat
78972 divided by the square root of pear.

cut my hair. again

Sometimes i like it, sometimes i hate it. Me and my hair have a love-hate relationship. It looks like a wave though! Which i think is cool....oh shut up. Speaking of hair, i'm dying mine blue! Yes! Finally my mum said yes (it took abit of black mailing but...whatever..) And I'm not talking subtle blue. I'm talking about
Maybe not so much the first one but you get the idea. It's gonna be sooooooooo great. eeeee. I'm going to greece, turkey and paris in June and July (eeeeee also) and i'm gonna be the troll doll all through the trip. After seeing ghost world on the Weekend it confirmed my belief that i was born to be blue. It is my DESTINY. Or whatever.
"everyone is just too stupid."
now lets throw paint at eachother and be cool indie kids like Lou Doillon in the amazing short film "Miracle"
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