Cool Beans
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
yes, i did.
Hello! When i was at Woodford yesterday some crazy girl called Kate Miller-Heidke came up to me and said, "oh Bella! OMG I LOVE YOU!!! Your blog is UBER cool" I thought the girl was from a mental ward but being the kind person i am i offered a photo for a memento. A special shout out to Maddy, my friend on the left of the photo :)
Thursday, December 23, 2010
oh winter, where have you gone?
Dear Winter,
I know we got off to a bad start. I didn't say it, but i guess you knew i liked summer better. I'm mean, it has Christmas, and you, well don't have anything. I'm not saying that's your fault! But it's true. But now that Summer has come i can't help feeling a little reminiscent of the days when your dark sullen clouds hung over me, threatening with cold wind and rain. I could wear toe socks and beanies without look like a complete dork (though that is still the case). Just hanging around in t-shirts and shorts all day is not nearly as fun as fluero toe socks, to say the least. I guess what I'm really trying to say is , I MISS YOU WINTER, I'm sorry we had our difference's in the past, but I've changed! Please grace me, oh holy one, with days of rain and no play time. Winter, PLEASE COME BACK!!! Till we meet again, yours always,
Bella xx
I know we got off to a bad start. I didn't say it, but i guess you knew i liked summer better. I'm mean, it has Christmas, and you, well don't have anything. I'm not saying that's your fault! But it's true. But now that Summer has come i can't help feeling a little reminiscent of the days when your dark sullen clouds hung over me, threatening with cold wind and rain. I could wear toe socks and beanies without look like a complete dork (though that is still the case). Just hanging around in t-shirts and shorts all day is not nearly as fun as fluero toe socks, to say the least. I guess what I'm really trying to say is , I MISS YOU WINTER, I'm sorry we had our difference's in the past, but I've changed! Please grace me, oh holy one, with days of rain and no play time. Winter, PLEASE COME BACK!!! Till we meet again, yours always,
Bella xx
kleidoscopes and days that never end
Hope this gets you in the Summer mood, and you have a lovely Christmas and a exciting and happy new year. Cheers!
View my Christmas video here
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
the only thing falling is you
I've been there before.
like a hurricane
it comes knocking on you door
i guess no one can stop it
when it comes, it comes.
In the chill of the night
the sky's falling
but Chickie you'll be alrigh'
I'll cradle you in my arms
you feel warm.
who you deceiving?
the coldness is still there
its a long road you're weaving
but don't worry
the end is near.
like a hurricane
it comes knocking on you door
i guess no one can stop it
when it comes, it comes.
In the chill of the night
the sky's falling
but Chickie you'll be alrigh'
I'll cradle you in my arms
you feel warm.
who you deceiving?
the coldness is still there
its a long road you're weaving
but don't worry
the end is near.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
feeling groovy
The thing i'm looking at is not dog poo, it's a leaf.
A recent burst of inspiration , made me want to dress up as the The Big double W*. I guess listening to Simon and Garfunkle, especially after feeling groovy, can do that to you. My shoes are from Universal Diffusion and i never get to wear them, the colour's a little bit hard to match with, if ya know what i mean.
* Wicked Witch of the West
Friday, December 17, 2010
join the club

I haven't got much to say about this post cause i think it's pretty self-explanatory. Check it out here
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Hello, Mr. Nikon
Yes he's a Mr. Don't ask how i know. I just feel it in my heart. Some say I'm a vegetable. But at least even artichokes have hearts. Sorry. That was a quote from Amelie. My favorite movie of all time. If you have not seen you have not lived. Annnyway, this is my Mum's Nikon Camera that she sorta gave to me. Okay, i found it in the cupboard and took it in as one of my own. I'm getting my first lot of film developed soon, so exciting.
Sneaking Snapping
Is that Nicole Kidman
Darn. She got away. But she'll have to come home eventually... and WHEN SHE DOES....
Hah.Hah. Hahhh. You know I'm joking right? Well i hope you guys are all good and getting into the festive mood (I know i am). Don't forget to put your entry in to The Film Competition. I know. I'm too lame to think of a good name. Any ideas?
Film Competition/Cyber Festival/Meeting of Nerds
Hi there! I'm starting a Film Competition/Cyber Festival/meeting of nerds sorta thing. If you know what I mean. Anyway here's the gist of it. Basically it's a Short Film Competition (so lets make these films SHORT, cause i don't want to waste my downloads watching a 20minute doco about a snail) Please send your entries to or I'm new to blogger so i'm not sure if you can post video's as comment's on my blog, but you can try. The competition starts this Monday, 20th of December, and ends 20th January, so put your entries in anytime between then. And if you got any film buff friends invite them too. The more, the merrier. So... get excited!!
THE GREAT FLOOD, and some poetic pictures.
Hey! After a really hot day here it ended with the uuse (that is usual, for you guys not quite with it). The typical garden variety thunder-storm with weather similar to that on 2012 The Movie. As we were driving into the orthodontist, much like that on 2012, a giant cyclone was following us. The heavens opened up and gave everything to stop me going to that dreaded pregnant teeth hygienist Nazi. But, it seems, nothing with get in my Dad's way of a monthly checkup. On the bright side i love the rain with warm tea, so all is well. Except my teeth. They kinda hurt...
Supermarket Blues
Another poem i wrote, for a school assignment were we had to write a Poetry Anthology. Hope you like it!
Kit Kats
Cheese Jatz
Mars Bars
Milky Way
Lemon Sprite
Cocoa Pops
New Car
Pizza Hut
Coca Cola
Do we really need.
All this want and greed
Jumbo, whopper, tripled size
Bigger, better, is that all just lies?
I could have my life supersized
Enlarged, with fries, too
But I just like it small,
Thank You.
FRANKIE, danke. Ich Liebe Dich.
Hello! Today i got Frankie in the mail. After sitting at the mailbox for 1/2 an hour it was definetly worth it. In it this month theres the usual. Your fair amount of bearded man, dressed up diana camera's, and the story of a 26 year old terminal patient. Frankie never ceases to amaze with their ingenious, funny, thought-provoking and interesting magizine.
Daniel Evans gives what he thinks are the best film insults to live by.My personal favourite being: "Stick your drink up your arse Tania. I'd rather swallow razor blades than drink with you. Oh, by the way, i'm not alone. I'm with Muriel." - Muriel's Wedding (1994).
Daniel Evans gives what he thinks are the best film insults to live by.My personal favourite being: "Stick your drink up your arse Tania. I'd rather swallow razor blades than drink with you. Oh, by the way, i'm not alone. I'm with Muriel." - Muriel's Wedding (1994).
Frankie is sponsoring the Australian and New Zealand part of the Diana World Tour, which is a exhibition being held all over the world (including in New York, Paris and London) turning Vintage toy camera's into art piece's. The Australian exhibition will be held at Sydney's Lomography Juust Shoot Shop at Blender Gallery (Feb the 3rd to the 19th), in Brisbane at 16 Elizabeth Street, Paddington (Feb the 3rd to the 19th) and at No Vacancy Gallery, 34-40 Jane Bella Lane in Melbourne ( Feb 25th to March 11th). For all you Kiwi's there's an exhibition going to be held at The Department Store, 10 Norhcroft Street Takapuna from March 18th to the 31st.
Also about 2 weeks ago i got Frankie's Photo Album. It's full of cute and quirky pictures that make you want to get out there and start snapping! It's available online here or at your local newsagent or bookstore.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Hello! I did this on the same day by the way. THAT'S why i'm wearing the same shirt. Just thought i'd clear that up. Sorry it's so long! I'll try and link the video i was talking about down the bottom, the qualities so bad on the camera i was using. Also a big shooout out to the first person to comment check out her blog here.
First Vlog! (oo-er)
Hey this is my first Vlog! Oo-er. As for the dancing... i'm sorry you had to see that. I loaded this on Youtube and it said 10 minutes to load and i was like "Fo-sho?" but then it 11 then 20 and now it's saying 12 hours or something... fingers crossed it works ( please tell me it doesn't otherwise) Also! As i said in the video comment (and include your address) and i'll send you a christmas present! Hope your having a great week.
Monday, December 13, 2010
christmas wishlist
1. Contribute money to World Vision's Smiles Christmas Foundation
2. Lonely Hearts velvet dress from their Winter 2011 Collection " Little Bandits"
3. Diana F+ Camera with flash US$ 99.92 from The Lomography Shop
4. Black vintage Bike from Papillionaire
5. SPACES Frankie's new mook (magazine/book) about rad rooms around the World. To buy click here.
I just like to say that's what i WANT but not what i need. Just like my P.E teacher used to say "You WANT a drink of water, you don't NEED one." I guess the whole idea of Christmas has become so materialistic, weather you're religious or not. But even if you don't believe in God, Christmas is still a time to get together and celebrate how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful country. Most of us have everything we need here, fresh water, food and a bed to sleep in at night. Unfortunately not all of us are this lucky. Did you know 1/3 of the World's population lives in poverty? That's why this Christmas i highly encourage you to contribute to a great cause such as World Vision. This year they have a foundation called "Smiles", especially for making donations at Christmas. This Christmas please think about those who aren't probably as lucky as you. Anyway on that serious note, i hope your having a great day and are enjoying the 30 degree heat!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Lola and Paige
Hope you like these! If you could I'd like some feedback on them. The first one is called Lola and the second is Paige (yes i name my drawings...quite sad) You can also send in a photo and i'll draw you! Send your photo's to
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